How do I make this happen for a Patient?

Press the "Refer a child" tab in the navigation bar above or below and fill out the form! Once I receive the form I will start the process of gathering all the decorations I need to help the patient have sweet dreams at night!

Who is eligible for this service?

All pediatric patients, from the age of 2-17! All Children, Tweens, and Teens deserve to have better hospital experiences, no kid is too old to have sweet dreams!

Do I have to pay for this?

Absolutely not! This is a non-profit service and I want to lift some stress off of the parents by providing decor and allowing your child to have 100% creative control over how they want their room. If your child does not want control over their room a Child Life specialistscan always help decorate.

What does this experience look like?

In the "Refer a Child" button below there is a form that a loved one, social worker, or Child Life specialist can fill out, asking questions such as, "Whats the patients’ favorite color, favorite character etc. I will then gather decorations based on the responses from the form and will pack the decorations in an SDPD (Sweet Dream Portable Duffle). I will send the patient's personalized SDPD with everything the patient needs to bring their room to life. Together the patient and parent can bond having fun decorating the room themselves or a Child Life specialist can always help!

How much time will this take?

Not much time at all! In order for me to make it as personal as I can, filling out the google form in the "Contact Me" tab is the way to go! Once I receive the responses, I will collect all the items needed for the patient and your own SDPD (Sweet Dream Portable Duffle) will be ready in no time!

How can I support The Sweet Dream Project?

As a non-profit I am always open to receiving monetary donations. If you would like to donate you can click the "Donate Here" button below. Aside from donations, it is always great to spread the word of my service or Volunteer!